Monday, December 12, 2016

Final Reflective Post

When I sat down to write this post I thought it would be a breeze however this was not the case. This post was one of the most difficult post of the semester for me to write, I think this is because I really did not have anything to say about the class and because the post was asked to be so elaborate which can be difficult when you are not a very creative person. This class to me was easy because I knew the content we were covering and hard because I am not a creative person or a person who enjoys elaborating their writing. By that what I mean is that I do not like plastering my written work with graphics or hyperlinks or videos, for me these items should be used when needed.
            My thoughts on the book are that the book is well written, organized and informative. Some topics that were included are topics that for someone who grew up with technology and knows how to work well with it are a little repetitive and boring. However, for a person who is not so familiar with technology this would be a helpful book. An example of what I mean can be found in the section on electronic note taking or the section of PowerPoint, for me who graduated less than 2 years ago and have worked on/with both of these subjects extensively those sections are repetitive.
            The discussions questions that we were given during the course were good questions that made you reflect on what was being asked. I think the only thing that I did not like about the discussion questions was that we were sometimes expected to interpret them in a certain way and when we did not points were taken. Other than that, I think the questions were great.

            The activities and assignments for the class for me personally sometimes were difficult because of the required graphics or the required videos or others. This was not because I could not accomplish the task but because I had an idea in mind for my work and sometimes it did not include a specific site or graphic. I also think what made it difficult was that sometimes I interpreted an assignment or activity one way and that is not how the professor wanted it.  Other than that, I think many of the assignments were fun assignments and great tools for future classes. 
         Even though some things were different from what I thought this course would be it was a great course to learn from. From this course I gained knowledge on many great websites that I will be able to use in future classes and in my future classroom. I was also provided with great information on different media tools that could be helpful down the road. Overall this class was a good one that I did end up enjoying. 

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